STOOTS - An irreverent art blog.


ENA - Why I'm Excited for Dream BBQ

It has been some time since I saw an Avant Garde game with such a potential

ENA - Why I'm Excited for Dream BBQ

It has been some time since I saw an Avant Garde game with such a potential

You guys know, I just can't get enough of irreverent artistic expressions. It doesn't matter the medium: painting, music, or movies, it brings me joy to know some talented artists are pushing the boundaries of the art concept. But when it comes to Avant Garde art, we need to be very careful to not accept any kind of shit as a masterpiece. It all comes down to quality, execution, concept, aesthetic, message (or the lack of it,) and most importantly: how creative it is. That's the difference between Avant Garde and some random shitpost we found on 4chan.

As far as I'm concerned, I can't name a single game that carries such a big fanbase, with a great aesthetic appeal, oriented to the most niche groups from all over the internet.

ENA - Dream BBQ's Trailer is already a masterpiece on its own. The music, the art, the rhythm, the eerie feeling that life could be bizarre, absurd, and beautiful, but also filled with suffering, it all matches, to bring an incredible (and shivering) experience to the espectator. My hopes are high, and surely, I'll bring a review once the game is launched.

But first, I need to justify myself. Gotta explain why ENA can be one of the biggest things that we have in contemporary art.

Games are a great platform to express artistic values through art, writing, music, architecture, design, and much more.

The Magnum Opus of Art, game design. Games are the only way humans can interact with art in such a personal and interesting way. "Oh but we already have that in Interactive art" -shut the fuck up. Interactive art is bullshit most of the time because it is just a VR unfinished game with poor art. Instead, we can have complete games: A piece of collaborative art made through years of study, tries and errors. A game can carry a whole childhood, and change the perspective of a group of people forever.

And now imagine what an Avant Garde game can bring to the table.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not kissing the ass of ENA right now, I'm just saying that it has a big potential to showcase such a majestic point of view of art that most people can't have. I really want to have the experience of playing a game that sparks curiosity in my mind. And the bizarre world of ENA is perfect for the task.

The early web aesthetic, coupled with those Playstation 1 graphs, weirdcore concepts, and a great team of artists, voice actors, and musicians, is the perfect recipe to appeal to the nerds that have the urge to escape reality and lose themselves in a trippy game, without having to chew mushrooms or smoke dope.

The stakes are high. Please, do not disappoint me, Joel G.

Please, check out Joel G page.

Thanks for reading. Stoots

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